Terraform by Example

For each

With the for_each argument you can create multiple instances for a particular resource. The for_each argument either accepts a map or a set of strings, and creates an instance for each item in that map or set. The for_each argument can be used in both modules and every resource type.

It’s important to know that you can only use either count or for_each in a given resource.

Creating multiple resources using the for_each argument #

Here we are creating 2 Redis instances with different names

resource "google_redis_instance" "set_example" {
  for_each       = toset(["special", "regular"])
  name           = "redis-instance-${each.key}"
  memory_size_gb = 10

Additionally, we can pass a map to the for_each argument and specify the size for each Redis instance using the each object.

resource "google_redis_instance" "map_example" {
  for_each = {
    regular = 10
    special = 20

  name           = "redis-instance-${each.key}"
  memory_size_gb = each.value

The each object #

In resources where the for_each argument is used, an each object becomes available. This object has 2 attributes:

Want to learn more about the for_each argument? Check out the docs.

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